简介: Set in the 1950s in the fictional village of Kembleford, the series follows Roman Catholic priest Father Brown who has a knack for solving crimes. He is assisted by parish secretary Bridgette McCarthy and is often a source of frustration for the local police.
Set in the 1950s in the fictional village of Kembleford, the series follows Roman Catholic priest Father Brown who has a knack for solving crimes. He is assisted by parish secretary Bridgette McCarthy and is often a source of frustration for the local police.展开
Daniel Peera/Michael C. Pizzuto/Alistair David Herz/Nicholas Adam Clark/William "Will" Daubert/Kelly Donahue/Brock Everett/Michael Gitomer/Derrick Hunter/Amber Renee Jenkins/Lauren Knutti/Kate McIntyre/Todd Ramsey Moore/Michael A. Pina/J/