影视解说 小男孩大男孩[电影解说]
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  • 小男孩大男孩[电影解说]

  • 片名:小男孩大男孩[电影解说]
  • 更新:2024-11-05 16:18
  • 简介:  Three boys. Three lives. One search for happiness.  Raymund is a carefree graphic artists who is filled with doubt as he is suddenly faced with the responsibility of looking after his seven year old nephew Zach.  But while taking care of Zach, Raymund finds himself in the middle of building a relationship with his new lover Tim where he teaches him the value of acceptance and self-respect.  This gripping film, which stars Paolo Rivero, Douglas Robinson and Renz Valerio, is helmed by Joselito Altajeros with screenplay by Lex Bonife.
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